Sunday, May 1, 2016

Tapleyville 7 Mile Race

This is the second year for this race, and the second time I've run it. The start in downtown Danvers is just a half mile away from our home, so how could I not run it?

Last year I ran it in 56:01 and I improved this year to 53:24, which works out to a 7:38 mile pace. Ethan ran it as well, finishing in 53:09. He had trouble finding the start and didn't actually start until more than a minute after the gun had gone off. (This doesn't matter for your time as your race bib contains a chip that records when you cross the start and finish lines).

Next up is a half marathon in Hamilton, MA on May 15.

I'm also running the weekly 5k - the D5K - here in Danvers on Wednesday evenings. I've been lowering my times each week and I'm down to 22:10 for the 5k. Hoping to break 22 minutes in the next few weeks. These results are posted coolrunning.

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