Sunday, February 10, 2019

This Week in Running 2/10/19

Total Miles: 33

Monday:  6
Wednesday: 9 (including D5K: 23:39)
Thursday: 6
Saturday: 12
Sunday: 120 min elliptical

I ran the 5K faster than I have in a long time (maybe a year and a half), and really cranked down on the last mile, running a mile in the low 7's. My knee stayed good through the entire 9 miles I ran that night.

I've been training either on the turf field at the high school or on the treadmill at Planet Fitness. The exception is Wednesday nights, when I run the D5K and add additional road miles. Given how well my knee has been feeling, I went for extra distance Saturday on the treadmill, which I finished but unfortunately my knee gave me some pain the last few miles.

Things have slowly been getting better as I continue to train and to lose weight. I'm not recording my weight or even weighing myself, as I've come to learn it just demotivates me. Based on how my body looks and my pants fit, I know I've been losing weight however. Every pound lost takes pressure off my knee, and given where I was at this time last year (not able to run even a couple of miles on the road because of pain in both my knee and my hip), I've come a long way. I can now run a 5K without the knee troubling me and as fast as I was a couple years ago. I'm pretty sure I can crank out a 10K as well based on my ability to run up to 9 miles on the road Wednesday nights without significant knee pain. The elusive half marathon is not out of the question if I continue to lose weight.

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