Sunday, January 1, 2017

This Week in Running 1/1/17

Total Mileage: 30

Tuesday: 4
Wednesday: 9 - including D5K (23:16)
Thursday: 4
Saturday: 5
Sunday: 8 - including the Wicked Frosty Four (30:48)

Today I did a 3 mile run before the 4 mile race and a 1 mile cool down after it.

The official results have my guntime and nettime differing by one second, which doesn't seem right as I was well back in the pack and it took at least 10 or 20 seconds for me to get to the start line. And looking at some of the runners who started at the absolute start (no one in front of them), they also have a one second difference between gun and net times. My GPS watch had 30:39 at a 7:37 pace and it took me a couple of seconds to stop it after the finish. My splits:

1. 7:40
2. 7:34
3. 7:43
4. 7:32

I should start closer to the front of the pack next time, both because of the possibility of a timing problem concerning the difference between net and gun times, and because I was trotting the first quarter mile rather than running. The start is in a narrow street and an unfortunately large number of slower runners started near the front, forcing me to either weave through them or mark time behind them. I think I could have flirted with a sub 30 minute time if I had started near the front.

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