Sunday, January 31, 2021

This Week in Running 1/31/21

 Total Miles: 4

Tuesday: 60 min NT

Wednesday: 90 min NT

Friday: 60 min NT

Saturday: 60 min NT + 4

Sunday: 90 min NT

I've been struggling with a hamstring injury the last several weeks. On Saturday I tried a run but felt the hammy start to happen after 3 miles so I shut it down. I'll stay with the Nordic Track this week and maybe try a 1 or 2 mile run next Saturday, since the hamstring was fine up to 3 miles.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

This Week in Running 1/17/21

 Total Miles: 15

Tuesday: 60 min Nordic Track

Wednesday: 60 min Nordic Track + 5 (including D5K)

Friday: 60 min Nordic Track

Saturday: 90 min Nordic Track

Sunday: 10

Saturday was cold, windy and rainy so instead of my usual long run I just did the Nordic Track for an hour and half, then did the long run on Sunday. Once I again I did the Salem-Beverly loop. It's a nice run that goes by or across the water a number of times.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

This Week in Running 1/10/21

 Total Miles: 18

Tuesday: 60 min Nordic Track

Wednesday: 60 min Nordic Track + 4

Friday: 60 min Nordic Track

Saturday: 10

Sunday: 60 min Nordic Track + 4

On Saturday I ran a 10 mile loop through Salem and Beverly and back to Danvers. Here is a picture from the Salem-Beverly Bridge: